Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M), one of India’s leading automotive player has showcased its hydrogen-powered Alfa 3-wheeler vehicle, the Hy-Alfa, at the World Hydrogen Technologies Convention 2009 held in the Capital.
“The Hy-Alfa is the first vehicle of its kind in the world. It runs on nothing but compressed hydrogen gas and is incredibly engineered to run with absolutely zero emissions, which makes it a pleasure to drive on congested city roads. Hydrogen is, in fact, the technology and fuel of tomorrow and is the long term solution to pollution, energy security & CO2 emission related concerns,” said Dr. Mathew Abraham, General Manager (R&D), Mahindra & Mahindra R&D Centre.
This hydrogen powered ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle is available in both passenger (3 – seater) and cargo versions. Mahindra has collaborated with world-renowned R&D centres and Indian partners to enhance research on this futuristic technology. Recently, Mahindra, along with other partners has signed an MOU with UNDIO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) India and ICHET (International Centre for Hydrogen Energy and Technology) Turkey to carry out a 15 Hy-Alfa Demo project next year at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi.
The most notable fact of this new technology is that the engine still remains an internal combustion engine unlike hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles which generate electricity to power electric motors.
Source: Mahindra
There is an acute need for Hydrogen powered vehicles today, owing to several advantages. Hydrogen is a renewable source of energy with near zero emissions of CO, HC, CO2 and PM. It is clean and lean burning resulting in better fuel efficiency, avoids engine de-carbonizing and does not emit any greenhouse gases. Faster dispersion also implies that it is safe for the health and the environment.
Mahindra’s Sustainable Mobility Solutions illustrate M&M’s commitment to the research, product development, and advancement of the most cutting-edge technologies to bring about a cleaner and greener future.
Pollution related health concerns, global warming, climate change and energy security concerns related to the depletion and distribution of non-renewable, conventional fuel options have pushed alternate energy and propulsion technologies to the forefront of national agendas. Utilizing domestic and international strategic partnerships, Mahindra’s R&D team works to bring the most advanced and futuristic technologies to India. Mahindra has worked sustainable solutions into its long-term product plan. These solutions reduce pollution and can be found from renewable sources; this is the future of transportation.
Covering a wide range of advanced powertrain solutions, Mahindra displayed different platforms of drivable full hybrid vehicles, micro (start/stop) hybrid vehicles, bio-fuel vehicles, an electric passenger vehicle, a hydrogen combustion engine vehicle and many recyclable materials and reusable technologies.